Relationship courses

Guided efficient intesivity workout with your relationship, as in good as in bad.
Courses are held in weekends and are placed at Rautjärvi shore, Viimolan Kultamaa.

Groups are small and we take 3-5 couples/weekend. Couple decides themselves how much they are ready to open themselves so fear and doubt are unnecessary.

Course fits for all couples, age isn’t an issue. Course is for brightening everyday life, in crisis situtation and even for weddin present.

Do you want to remember what took you together?
Contact us for more further details and booking.

Next courses are held May – September.

Counselor will be relationship trainer, logo therapist LTI Jaana Petrell.

Price: 490€/couple
Includes guidance, accomodation and meals.

There’s also an option for private training. Contact us and ask for further detais.

Jaana Petrell
Parisuhdekouluttaja, logoterapeutti LTI
p. 0503737857